On 8 June 2016, the Irkutsk Aviation Plant (an affiliate of UAC's subsidiary Irkut) hosted a ceremony of the rollout of the first flying example of the advanced Russian-built MC-21 short/medium-haul passenger airliner. The prospective airliner was unveiled to Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, the leaders of the federal and regional authorities and delegations of the subcontractors, airlines and media.
On 7 June 2016, in the run-up to the rollout of the MC-21 advanced passenger airliner's first flying prototype, the first several in-construction prototypes of the new basic trainer, the Yakovlev Yak-152, were unveiled to journalists by the Irkutsk Aviation Plant.
Under the government contract made on 30 May 2014 by the Russian Defence Ministry and Yakovlev design bureau (a subsidiary of the Irkut corporation) for the development of the basic flight training facility on the basis of the Yak-152 trainer aircraft, the company is to devise the design records and manufacture four aircraft: two flying prototypes, one for the static tests and the other for endurance trials as well as a simulator, a computerised class and flight recorders, conduct preliminary flight tests and submit the aircraft for the official trials.
At the HeliRussia 2016 show on 19-21 May 2016, Russian Helicopters holding company announced that the Russian Defence Ministry would be launch customer for the Mil Mi-38 advanced multirole helicopter. "The Russian Defence Ministry, in conjunction with Russian Helicopters, has decided on the procedure for and schedule of the acquisition of Mi-38 helicopters for the Russian Air Force. The feasibility of including the aircraft into the next armament programme's draft is being considered," the manufacturer said in a press release. "The decision provides for the joint flight tests of the new version of the Mi-38 medium multirole helicopter equipped to meet the requirements of the Defence Ministry and made of Russian-manufactured parts and components only. The advanced helicopter will take a number of flight tests for compliance with the military's requirement. Its acquisition will be planned based on the results it produces in the trials."
News came during the HeliRussia 2016 show in May this year that that Russian Helicopters would start deliveries of the Ansat light multipurpose helicopter equipped with the hydromechanical flight control system this summer. As is known, the hydromechanical control system-equipped Ansat's transport and patrol versions were certificated in August 2013, with its passenger version following suit in December 2014 and the medevac one in May 2015. The supplementary type certificate for the VIP version was received in December 2015. This removed the last obstacles for the Ansat's market promotion and full-fledged revenue operations.
On 30 May 2016, the city of Taganrog saw the ceremony of the roll-out of the first production-standard Beriev Be-200ChS amphibian built by Beriev company for the Russian Emergencies Ministry. According to Beriev Director General Yuri Grudinin, the amphibian is to commence its flight tests soon, after which it will be delivered to the customer. If all goes to plan, the aircraft will be displayed at the Gidroaviasalon 2016 air show in the town of Gelendzhik in September 2016.